Last updated : February 3, 2009


Carol Singers in the bitter cold -Christmas 2006

JoshAnd John

Josh completes the walk - with a little help from John.

More photos welcome if you want to share yours

Events in 2005


Christmas Events 2006

Carols around the Village started at Peter & Rachel’s house at the top of Ponton Road. A reasonable crowd downed three gallons of mulled wine then set off to pester Neil & Linda and then the Harrisons.  That called for further refreshment at Andy & Dawn’s before working down the road struggling with three sets of carol sheets.  (Who was meant to get them photocopied, Trevor?)  More sustenance required at Liz & Neville’s before attacking the second half of the village.  By the time we reached Trevor & Denise the cold made their warm kitchen very welcome.  Thanks to all who participated.  Along with the Christmas card distribution around the village a total of £200 was raised for the Air Ambulance. 

Boxing Day walk– Christmas colds kept the number of participants down for this event (or at least that was the excuse from some people) but those who went had a very pleasant and companionable walk.  Liz led us off at a cracking pace but even young Josh managed the full course (with a little help). 

New Year's Eve Masked Ball – This year’s party was indeed a bit special.  The atmosphere, the decorations, the theme, the music, the games and even the new cooker made it an evening to remember.  Many thanks to all involved.  Entry was by ticket only so get them quick next year.

Just about everyone entered into the spirit of the “masked ball” with outfits ranging from elegant gowns and discreet masks to pirates and the Blues Brothers, from dazzling head gear with sparkles and feathers to anonymous balaclavas and from Zorro to ……well, Big Bird, I think.

The food was great and just kept coming from the team who obviously enjoyed testing out every option on the new cooker.  Imagine what it would have been like with the old one!  Of course, now the food gets hot, we need some oven gloves!  Perhaps the Social Club should splash out.

The music was spot on with our Club DJ doing the honours for the first time this year.  Thanks Thomas.

And the games seemed to be enjoyed by all.  Once the men knew there were forfeits in “pass the parcel” the package went flying round the ring at record speed.

A good time was had by all and the party clearing up the next day got the job done in record time.

Earlier Events in 2006

Carols practice – Oh yes, we needed it.  Might not have been practice enough though!

Christmas Quiz – The kids are growing up and seem to know more these days.  Either that or the questions are aimed more at them – latest pop songs, videos and films!  You need a kid on the team as those of us without one found themselves coming last and next to last.  Congrats to the girls and to the females from the Crawfords and Tweddles (plus Tom).

World Cup Football – all the England matches were shown and “enjoyed” by many in the village as we groaned our way towards the team’s feeble and inevitable ejection from the competition.

Curry Night – A large turnout crowded into the Village Hall to enjoy the second Boothby Pagnell Curry Night.  Food this time was supplied by Spice in Grantham and seemed to be very well received.  Thanks to Trevor for organizing it.

Quiz Night 29 April – Fairly low turnout on the Saturday of the bank holiday weekend.  But most of the regulars were there heckle Liz as quiz master.  “Dad’s paying”, comprising Sarah, Emily, Katharine and Anna stormed into a lead they held to the end.  Of course, they would have come last if scores had to be divided by number in the team.  On the other hand they would have come first if scores had to divided by cumulative age of the team!

St George’s Day – Ok so it was on Saturday 22 April instead.  The bar was decked out with flags, Last Night of the Proms on the box and sausage stew in a giant Yorkshire pud to eat.  What more could you ask for?

Six Nations RugbyAn excellent series of meetings to watch each of England’s matches in the 2006 Six Nations tournament.  Each match was catered with food based on the opposition hence French Onion soup, Scotch broth, leek and potato soup, minestrone and, of course, the Irish stew.  Thanks to all the kind volunteers who prepared the food.  Pity the rugby wasn’t up to the same standard!